Home, automobile and recreational vehicles insurance

Home insurance protects your investment against property damage caused by fire, water damage, theft and vandalism. It also protects your assets should you cause bodily injury or property damage to a third party: general liability covers the legal costs to defend you, and if found negligent, the amount you are legally obliged to pay as an indemnity to the third party who suffered harm.

There are advantages to combining your automobile insurance with the insurer that insures your home.

Valuable objects insurance (art, wine, jewellery)

Most trust their home insurance policy will cover valuable objects. Unfortunately, it is not always the case as some insurance policies limit the indemnity payable per object while others simply exclude certain valuable items.

Some insurance policies are specifically designed to cover valuable objects, at home, at the cottage, while in transit, at the framer, at the art conservator or appraiser, etc.

At Assurart, we seek to offer you protections that are adapted to your needs and your budget.


VIP Services


Legal Expense Insurance